Monday, July 27, 2015

Portrait: Fawzie

Fawzie is a velociraptor. I feel like this is the beginning of a book, haha.

Fawzie is my friend's child. Like, actually. She and her boyfriend have a photo album devoted to him and his friends, and her mother calls Fawzie her grandchild. He's just under a foot tall, has soft brown fur with tufts of yellow hair, and most importantly, the eye furrowed in disdain. And he is well loved. 

Recently, amidst the difficulties I've been having in my personal life, Fawzie was there for me to hold and pet and cuddle. And I am greatly appreciative of him. (Aren't soft, cuddly items so incredibly comforting when you're feeling like everything is falling apart??)

I think this is the very first full watercolor painting I've ever done before. I've been watching YouTube videos on watercolor techniques and how to prevent the paper from curling, and was very excited to try to put all this new information to good use. I've still got a long way to go, but the process was very cathartic and I loved how I could manipulate the colors and textures.

July 2015

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