I love to art. It is a well-known fact by my friends. Sure, I don't talk about it much and I've never taken an art class, but I send endless pictures and Snapchats of my latest creative upchuck. Well okay, that wasn't very sonorous. Sorry. But the point is, I draw and write and design to the point where I have piles of papers that lay around on my desk haphazardly until they get swept into what I have been attempting to call a portfolio, to never see the light of day again. Except in those precious 6 seconds in the Snapchat app on my friends' phones.
But that's about to change.
I had this idea last weekend that has taken ahold of my mind and refuses to depart. We had a streetfair near my university recently, and I spent an embarrassingly large amount of time perusing the many art stalls. I
love supporting local artists. But what makes me even happier is just seeing all that art
existing in the world. And I think that's the problem that I've had in the past with my art. I do it as stress relief, and then when I'm done, it sits between pieces of paper in a dark corner on the top shelf in my room. And I want to just
get it out there. Let the world see it. Have my friends tangibly hold the actual thing and look at it in the sunlight or by the light of their desk lamp.
And that's when I realized that I want to send my art to them. I've been experimenting with printing my designs on cards, and with the success I've had (it's functional, though not perfect...yet), I want to send them my art with the hopes of making them think--if even for a split second--of the art in the world around them.
And let's be honest: we're all college students--we love getting mail.
So my latest plan is to send my friends monthly (or so) cards with little messages written in them. Not something that needs to be planned terribly--it isn't a deadline--but just a little something that says hey, I was thinking of you. I think you're awesome.
Spread a little cheer and a little art.